The SAFR® framework provides an evaluation of flame retardants in their applications, thus enabling users to select the most sustainable product for the intended use. By using the latest available scientific data and building on accepted hazard criteria, SAFR® incorporates an estimated exposure component based on the level of contact to humans and/or the environment and measurable potential emissions of flame retardants during their use.
The assessment of a given flame retardant with SAFR® leads to the identification of:
1. uses that are either recommended, acceptable or not
recommended, or
2. unacceptable hazard in which case alternatives should
be identified.
How we assess exposure
The SAFR® exposure assessment has a two-tiered approach. It considers both:
1. The frequency of contact during the intended use (e.g. TV, computer, car seats, insulation boards);
2. The potential emissions of the flame retardant used due to either migration to the surface (blooming), leaching or volatilization.
SAFR® is an evolving methodology. During 2016, the second version was finalized with an additional section addressing reactive flame retardants. The methodology behind the SAFR® is available for any interested party upon request to ICL-IP. For more information please see the SAFR® website.