Means of Human Rights Protection
- The Company supports human rights as defined in the United Nation’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
- The Company prevents violations of human rights as defined by the laws of the country in each site where it operates.
- The Company initiates and participates in continuous dialogue with communities and other stakeholders, in order to identify potential risks for human rights violations and minimize any adverse effects. For further details, please see the section on Transparency and Dialogue with Stakeholders in this and our previous reports.
- The Company adheres to its Guiding Principles for the protection of employees’ basic human rights, which include support for equal rights and prevention of forced employment, child labor and discrimination.
- The Company contributes to the economies and communities in which it operates and consequently, indirectly, helps to uphold human rights.
To the best of ICL’s knowledge, there are no human rights violations in ICL’s sites around the world.
ICL’s standard of commitment to the protection of human rights applies in all regions and areas of its activities, including the Company’s production and logistics operations sites. Acquisitions made and business relations created in developing countries require ICL to emphasize compliance with human rights standards.