ICL aims to improve sustainability along its entire value chain. The company has made tremendous progress in it’s long-term endeavor to manage all operations responsibility and decrease its environmental impact. This endeavor include, among else, a commitment top tier environmental performance and full product responsibility. ICL is also aiming to be an employer of choice, as well as to verify that its contract workers are treated fairly.
As part of this long-term commitment, ICL is also striving to have a positive impact on both its clients and suppliers. ICL has various programs to support best practices for its clients, both in the agricultural sector (balanced fertilization) as well as in the industrial sector (such as VECAP and SAFR).
The next step on this journey toward sustainability relates to ICL’s suppliers. The company is moving towards a more sustainable supply chain and is focusing on its suppliers. In 2018, ICL has joined the Together for Sustainability (TfS) initiative, an international non-profit association promoting sustainable procurement by the global chemical industry. ICL is one of 23 large chemical company members of the TfS initiative. ICL and the other member companies engage their suppliers and encourage them to improve their practices on issues such as environment, safety, fair employment, business ethics and others. With thousands of suppliers assessed and audited through this initiative, and many of them showing improvement over time, TfS member companies are leading the way for sustainable performance practices within chemical industry supply chains and effectively promoting a better world. Read More on ICL and TFS initiative here.
As part of the TfS initiative, ICL approached suppliers that account for over 1 billion USD in annual spending, or approx. 28% of the total amount that ICL spent in 2018.
ICL makes the "A" list in the new CDP supplier engagement (SER) ranking.
As part of ICL’s commitment to Sustainability reporting and transparency , in August 2018 ICL submitted its annual comprehensive report of the company’s corporate carbon footprint and adaptation to climate change to the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), the world’s leading organization in the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reporting field. The CDP collects climate change and GHG-related data from over 5,000 companies worldwide, and serves more than 827 investors holding $100 trillion in assets.
For this report, ICL has received the maximum score of “A” in the CDP’s new sub-ranking, the Supplier Engagement Rating (SER). The SER is based mostly on companies’ efforts to increase awareness of climate change with their suppliers.
Only 120 (2.5%) out of 5,000 reporting companies achieved this score. ICL is the only fertilizer company, and the only Israeli company, to make the CDP SER “A” list.
This achievement was allowed primarily due to the substantial efforts of ICL to promote sustainable procurement practices in recent years, efforts which have increased further with ICL’s addition to the TFS initiative (see above).